Friday, December 31, 2010


This blog has really not been going for very long, so it seemed a bit silly to post a Picture of the Year as the January 1 Theme Day. So instead I've chosen this image of a sunny dawn over north London. Pretend it has some metaphorical meaning related to the new dawn of 2011.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

Graffiti Letter A | Graffiti Alphabet A
Sketch graffiti letters A cool style

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snowy church

A bit more from the snow that ruined travel for a bit but is all gone now.

Have fun saying goodbye to 2010! I hope your year has been as wonderful as mine.


A dedicated and talented artist, DOES painted his first piece in 1997, and since, has continued to develop his style and progress, both as an artist and a designer. He is best known for his deatiled letters and strong use of colour, and takes inspiration from daily life, as well as images of urban and street culture. He produces prints, paintings, illustrations, murals and commercial designs, all with strong links to graffiti art and Western European street culture.
Co-founder of LoveLetters crew and a member of Team Ironlak, he has exhibited his work across Europe. We had the opportunity to ask him a few questions, and here is what he had to say...

1. Could you please tell our followers who you are, where you are from and what crews you represent?

My artist name is Does. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, Sittard. I am a member of the international LoveLetters crew and the Ironlak Team Europe. Currently I am living and working in Australia for one year.

2. You have clearly been writing for a long time - at least we would like to think so! How long have you been painting for really?

I started sketching in 1996. It was my favourite thing to do when I was not paying attention in the classroom. When I was fifteen I started to play around with graffiti a little bit. I mainly did tags and throw ups back then. In 2003 I found a new interest in graffiti and I started to get serious about developing my skills. It was also during this that I met Nash, Tumki and Chas.

3. You have a very unique style of painting; you could say it is your trademark. Some of the kids that we speak to in Cyprus keep asking how it came about, could you please elaborate on this?

For me it is really important to sketch a lot. It helped me to develop my style. The letters are always my starting point and I try to evolve every time I start a sketch, a canvas or a piece. My style has changed over the past few years, but it has been a gradual process. Now that I feel quite comfortable with my letters and fill-ins, I am trying to experiment a bit more with backgrounds and materials.

4. What is LoveLetters to you? Can you tell us a bit about your crew and how it has changed you?

The LoveLetters crew is very dear to me. All the members have evolved from graffiti writers to creative artists and each writer has his own expertise. This makes for a truly unique and diverse crew. I am motivated and inspired by each crewmember.
Being part of the LoveLetters crew also means that I travel more, as we try to visit each other on a regular basis. Traveling around, meeting new people and experiencing different cities is a very nice extra that comes with the territory.

5. We have seen many sick photos from The Netherlands popping up all over the place, both graffiti and photography. What does the Dutch scene mean to you?

As I grew up in the Netherlands I have an obvious respect for the Dutch scene. I think the graffiti scene has brought about some great artists.

6. You clearly travel a lot, which means you must have seen some interesting places. What are the places that stick in your mind the most? And what countries do you think are most influential in the graffiti world?

My craziest experience would be my paint-job in the ghettos of Bogota, Colombia: Las Cruzas. Police escorted us into the ghetto where we were able to do a wall while the police watched our backs and admired our work. Meanwhile lots of kids gathered to watch us. While most of them seemed to be truly interested, some tried to steel our cans and bags.

Another place that will continue to inspire me is Basel. With regards to graffiti, Basel is my favourite city within Europe. Also, this city holds dear memories of Dare, our crewmember and friend, who will continue to inspire me.

As for influences from different countries, I would have to say that I think it is more about the writers than the countries. Nowadays, most countries have an abundance of interesting writers with unique styles and who inspires you very much depends on your personal taste.

7. Now as many people know you are part of the Ironlak Family. How does that feel? And has it helped you with your work?

It is a privilege to be part of the Ironlak Team Europe. It stimulates me to travel more, to expand my skills and to keep on improving my work.

8. We ask most people we interview to give us the first song that pops into their head. What is yours right now?

Some more photos and a new video from does!!

Digitaldoes Website

Sketches Graffiti Alphabet B

Examples of some of the sketches graffiti alphabet B in the paper. Maybe you can use it to simply look for the style of graffiti letter B. The following six B style graffiti letters different:

 Graffiti Alphabet B3D sketch graffiti letter B

 Graffiti Alphabet LettersGraffiti sketch letter B with color sketch letter B with a green border

graffiti alphabetsSketch graffiti alphabet B with bright colors
Sketches in black and white graffiti alphabet B

3D graffiti B
3D sketches in black and white graffiti alphabet B

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


A view of Southwark from the Millenium Bridge on a partly cloudy day. Notice the building under construction in the left part of the frame. Someday, this is going to be the Shard London Bridge and will apparently be the tallest building in the European Union when it is completed in 2012. Some interesting artist's renderings right over here. Thoughts? Kind of looks horribly out of place to me, but I guess this is the future of London. Developers like these enormous skyscrapers a lot more than the old three-story 19th-century warehouses.

Graffiti Alphabet in Used Tins

Example of making graffiti alphabet in used tins. Graffiti to the bolts in order not to disturb any origin. Other than graffiti on a wall can also be made in tin cans as above. More creative when making the decorations. Able to sell and make money. Maybe I'll do it someday. New Graffiti


These photos are from one of the olympic marinas in Athens. No wonder they have no money left out there..

Few Flixs.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Red sled

Now that's the way to get around this city.

Works Of Art Such As Graffiti Alphabet Letters
A design alphabets driftwood on the wall of the Copper Creek Inn, near Ashford, This is not a photo az graffiti alphabet, but works of art from driftwood cool alphabet taped on the wall.

Monday, December 27, 2010

St. Paul's in the rain

St. Paul's as seen from the north side of the Millenium Bridge. It was raining that night so my lens got a few splashes on it, hence the light spot in the upper right corner. Let's just pretend that was intentional and that it adds a sense of whimsy to the shot.

Bubble Graffiti: Purple Bubble Graffiti Alphabet

Alphabet in bubble graffiti lettersAlphabet in bubble graffiti letters
Bubble graffitiBubble graffiti
Purple bubble alphabet graffiti on the wall store. Graffiti dominant with cool purple color. Graffiti street art.


Sunday, December 26, 2010