Sunday, October 24, 2010

SNAP CLICKER Interview!!

Easy now SnapClicker we will start of with asking you where your from, what you do and how long you have been doing your thing for?

I live in a basement in the suburbs of Londinium and i take photographs. I've been taking flicks since i got into graffiti at about 15.

What camera do you use for the moment?

I use a battered 5 year old Canon 350D with a cheapskate Sigma 17-70 lens and when I'm upping my street cred in Shoreditch i like to whip out my Holga 120CFN. I use Hipstamatic because it makes things look like they should be on a blog.....
What camera would you like to be using?
My Canon over anything. It's like any artform really, once you know your own kit inside out you'll get the best results.

What do you like to take snaps of?
I like shooting trees, dogs, my girl and my friends. Anything with a sunset in is a bonus as i don't really have to do anything. Also, musicians and spraycan's help boost my blog ego.

We know that photography is a big subject and I'm sure you have taken thousands of photos, is their any shoots that stand out more then the rest?

Yeah there are a couple. I got some friends to drive me to a spot to shoot some amazing nature reserve development site. There were rows of about 100 silver birches next to some water. The driver lost the car keys and a half hour trip turned into 5 hours walking in circles! Anything outdoors in the summer is pretty fun. The most memorable shoot isn't even really mine though. I'd hitched a ride with Towns and Choe from RT and we met up with Asure ATG and my friend Will Robson Scott. He was in the process of shooting his Ego Bombing project, a series of portraits of graffiti writers. They took us to this huge abandoned warehouse for a paint and some pics. Will took Choe onto the roof and shot one of my favourite photos ever of him looking out over a yard. We painted a turbo blockbuster and had some laughs. Urban.

Any inspirations to how you photograph?

I don't know really. I like to shoot things that look like memories, kinda fuzzy, out of focus, lots of sunlight. Friends, movies and music inspire me the most.

Looking at your blog pretty much every day i can see that you are into your music-does that come into your work at all?

Yeah, i don't think there'd be one without the other. I've started a drum and bass label called Educated Audio. Taking photos and helping producers get their music heard are like dream jobs to me, so right now I'm the luckiest guy in the world. My good friends Cyantific and Wilkinson are both amazing producers and sitting in their studio and documenting the madness is a total pleasure. Anyone reading this should check out their music, as well as (shameless plug...)

First tune you think of?

Thanks for your time Mr Clicker any shout outs?

Headnods to Freckles, Cyan, Wilkinfoot and Goldie. Squash, Brother, Deep Focus, Dan Marshall, Syntex, Fred V and anyone else involved with Educated. Meka, Derok, Corsini, all of RT, BRS, Will Robson Scott my Plastic Bones family and Spray Beast!


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